Wednesday, April 20, 2005

dreary drought

yesterday i got mc. unavoidable circumstances;

around 8 i was gearing up for work,
around 9 i ended up at the clinic,
around 10 i thought, ah the hell with doc's order,
and went for a big breakfast.
at noon a friend asked to join him for lunch,
i said hey, i'll take my meds AFTER lunch,
after lunch well, i got sleepy...
now here i am.

today work was ok. managed to get a lot done. but, tomorrow's maulidur rasul, plus we got leave for friday. means i'll be off work for hmm, 4 days. 4 frickin days of dreary, meaningless do-nothings lazing about. god damn. i better get a move on, plan on, rite?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

go find a hobby or something dude!