Saturday, April 30, 2005

chasing the unknown dragon

cut myself at work today. happened just like how it usually does, unnoticed. it was quite a wound, i could see my left-hand-ring-finger-knuckle's tendon. it was white. poked at it to make sure it's not bone at first. managed to get 3 stitches for it. ouch. but the the thing is, right before the doc sutures it, he gave me a local anesthetic (lidocaine) in a very small dose (or so he says) and my body kinda reacted. violently. i started to sweat too much, my focus's gone, my basic motor skills went haywire and my thoughts flew all over the place. but somehow i was still coherent enough to hold a conversation. and yes, i am aware of it, of everything (not the details though) thru out the whole episode. wow. it was like, surreal. like, i'm there physically, but i'm kinda feeling disassociated from my own body. is this how them junkies feels like when they get high? i hated it. made me lose absolute control. of myself. i was like that for a bit more than an hour, then it thankfully started to taper off. they even had to put me in a wheel-chair to let me rest on a bed. felt liked an invalid, sheesh. somehow the doc's confident enough to tell me that it's not an allergic reaction on my part due to the anesthetic (read: drug) and said that it's more likely that i lost it when i saw a lot of blood plus the fact that i'm in stress. somehow, i did't buy it. well , i'm entitled to a second opinion don't i? heh. but anyway, they patched and took care of me good and now i'm left with several packets of medications and a bandaged left fist. hopefully the stitch will be taken out in about a week. all in all, i think it was great fun. did i tell u that this is my first time getting stitched?

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